Design and implement, collaboratively, plans to use effective tactics and strategies to enhance performance and enjoyment of self and others, while showing respect for the environment, when participating in a variety of alternate environment activities (e.g., orienteering, skating, cross-country skiing, canoeing, roping, downhill skiing, dog sledding, wall climbing, in-line skating, skate boarding, cycling, completing a challenge course, Quincy building).
Indicators for this outcome

Willingly participate at moderate to vigorous levels in a variety of alternate environment activities to practise the application of tactics and strategies.


Demonstrate responsible behaviours that reflect personal application of effective strategies to support the enjoyment of, and sustained involvement in, alternate environment activities (e.g., dress appropriately for outdoor activity, bring required supplies such as shovels for building a Quincy).


Consider requirements, make plans, and implement actions, alone and with others, to engage in a new-to-me (us) alternate environment activity.


Demonstrate respectful treatment of the environment at all times when participating in alternate environment activities.


Collaboratively create and implement a plan to enhance the outdoor environment while being active (e.g., a clean up the school yard race, a tree planting hike).
