Investigate and apply safe and effective strategies for developing the strength of core muscles and joint muscles.
Indicators for this outcome

Demonstrate an understanding of the distinction between core muscles and joint muscles.


Explain the safety issues that are common to, and unique to, the development of strength in the core muscles and the joint muscles.


Create and implement regular exercise routines that focus on the development and maintenance of core strength and include exercises for the upper abdominals, lower abdominals, obliques, and back.


Incorporate useful equipment and technology (e.g., stability balls, medicine balls, wobble boards, free weights, professionally led exercises on DVDs) into regular exercise routines that focus on the development of core strength.


Justify the advantages of focusing on the development of core strength as a means to support active living for life as well as performance in movement activities.


Explain the concept of core strength training as it relates to the body muscular system.


Explain the safety issues related to the development of joint muscle strength.


Identify and incorporate safe methods to develop joint muscle strength through multiple repetitions of low weight bearing exercises as opposed to few repetitions of high weight bearing exercises.
