Examine and apply the principles of training (i.e., overload, progression, specificity, adaptation, use/disuse) to personal action plans that incorporate daily moderate to vigorous movement activity and focus on the improvement and/or maintenance of self-selected components of health-related fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility).
Indicators for this outcome

Apply an understanding of the principles of training while participating in movement activities that focus on challenging one or more components of health-related fitness.


Assess personal level of fitness in health-related components of fitness, using a variety of fitness appraisals (e.g., fitness appraisals identified in written resource and technological sources such as Fitnessgrams/Activitygrams [Meredith & Welk, 2007]), and credible health-related fitness standards.


Create, implement, evaluate, and revise a personal fitness plan that illustrates the use of the principles of training and incorporates at least 30 consecutive minutes of moderate to vigorous activity on a daily basis.


Willingly engage in a variety of movement activities at a moderate to vigorous level of effort daily for at least 12 consecutive minutes.


Identify, and incorporate into action plans, movement activities of personal preference that support increased fitness and enjoyment.


Assess fitness plans of others (e.g., classmate created, family member created) as to the effectiveness of the plans based on the incorporation of the principles of training to benefit specified components of health-related fitness.


Provide feedback to support others (e.g., classmate, family member) in making improvements to personal fitness plans.


Reflect on and incorporate feedback from others related to personal fitness plans.


Express insights in response to questions such as "What is your plan for remaining active for the rest of your life?", "How do you know if you are in `good enough' shape?", and "How might your level of fitness affect your preferred future?"
