Analyze environmental influences (e.g., family beliefs/values, culture, gender, role models, workplace, peers, advertising, television) to assess their impact on responsible social behaviour in movement activity settings.
Indicators for this outcome

Describe what responsible social behaviour looks like in the context of participating in movement activities (e.g., playing by the rules, respecting officials, respecting the equipment that will be used by others).


Reflect on examples, from multiple sources (e.g., television, video games, print resources), to formulate conclusions on the level of influence that each of these examples has on behaviour associated with participation in movement activities.


Explore and debate the impact of factors such as culture, gender, parent behaviour, and peer influences on social behaviour associated with participation in movement activities (e.g., if we see a friend yelling at officials, we might do so as well; some people believe that hockey is a boys only sport and that figure skating is a girls only sport).


Generate a variety of questions (e.g., `How do role models influence my behaviour when participating in a game situation?'; `How inclusive am I of people from a different sexual orientation when making decisions about participation in physical activity?' `Is dance for females only?') to reflect on personal social attitudes and behaviours related to participation in movement activities.
