Demonstrate the skills required to administer basic first aid (e.g., scene management, seeking help, treating minor injuries, applying precautions for body fluids) required as a result of injury caused by participation in movement activities.
Indicators for this outcome

Identify the main aims of first aid as related to movement activities (i.e., prevent further injury, promote recovery, protect yourself).


Explain the need for the precautions of wearing rubber gloves when providing first aid in situations involving blood and other bodily fluids.


Practise leading and instructing others while managing a role-played situation that involves injury during participation in movement activities in a variety of settings (e.g., in the gym, at the rink, while hiking).


Demonstrate how to care for a variety of injuries (e.g., scrapes, cuts, burns) that can occur during participation in physical activity in a variety of settings.


Identify the signs of different types of injuries (e.g., joint injuries: S.H.A.R.P. – swelling, heat, altered, red, painful).


Propose options for self-created first-aid supplies to be used in a natural environment in emergency situations.
