Perform, both as a leader and a follower, self-created, collaboratively created, and established sequences of movements with smooth transitions, incorporating skills and combinations of skills from a variety of games (i.e., target games, net/wall games, striking/fielding games, invasion/territorial games, low-organizational and inventive games) and body management activities (e.g., dance, aquatics, educational gymnastics, track and field, pilates, yoga, wrestling, martial arts, aerobics), alone and with others.
Indicators for this outcome

Design, represent using symbols and patterns, and perform the story of a sport or activity through interpretive movements


Design and perform a pattern of games-related skills, as selected by others, that follow a given rhythm (e.g., choose one skill from curling, volleyball, and football; combine the skills into a sequence that can be performed in 4/4 time).


Co-create and lead others in participation, in partner or group dances, that incorporate a variety of skills used in various movement activities (e.g., shuffle step four times to the right, four times to the left – basketball; spike approach and jump in four counts – volleyball; three step deliver and release – bowling; jump turn and land – educational gymnastics).


Design, represent using symbols, and perform a floor routine that incorporates jumping and landing, springs, balances, supports, and rotations.


Perform in time to a count, while incorporating smooth transitions, a sequence of self-selected and/or given movement skills used in body management activities (e.g., dance, martial arts, yoga, aerobics).


Verbalize performance cues and practise the performance of complex body management skills that require a sequence of movements (e.g., various track and field jumps, patterns of movements in martial arts and yoga).

Physical Education 8. An Assessment Bull's Eye Rubric for Student Use
An example of a rubric students could use to assess their understanding of outcome 8.9.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 25, 2019
Physical Education 8. An Assessment Rubric for Teacher Use
An editable example of a rubric that could be used to assess students' understanding of outcome 8.9.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 25, 2019