Analyze the situational decisions, of self and others, while under the pressure of game play in target games, net/wall games, striking/fielding games, invasion/territorial games, and low-organizational, inventive, and cooperative games to determine the effectiveness of the decisions and to propose options for improvement.
Indicators for this outcome

Discuss and practise options for strategic choices to use in specific game situations, whether real or created (e.g., what shot to call in a particular curling situation, what team offensive play to use against a one-on-one defence in basketball).


Identify and assess the tactical decisions of others, both individuals and teams, through observing performance (including the use of available technology such as video).


Practise providing positive critiques of the application of tactical and strategic decisions on the performance of others using pre-communicated self-created and class-created specific criteria (e.g., type of serve return used for short serves in badminton, positioning of players on the field based on where the opponents are located on the bases in slo-pitch, when to try to free a prisoner in prisoner's base, when to play with the feet as opposed to the hands in speed ball ).


Express insights into personal tactical and strategic choices used in game situations to judge the effectiveness of the choices and to propose options to enhance future choices.


Express insights in response to questions such as "Can a criticism ever be a positive thing?" and "What does `good enough' mean when it comes to participation in movement games?"
