Examine, evaluate, and represent both the historical and present impact of Canada's Northern people on the development of movement activity options as a means of supporting the well-being of self and others.
Indicators for this outcome

Willingly participate in movement activities originating with Canada's Northern people, led by others (classmates, teacher, guest presenter).


Show respect and a willingness to honour cultural protocol when participating in cultural movement activities.


Tell a story (e.g., written, visual, audio, video, creative performance) of a movement activity that is historically connected to our Northern neighbours (e.g., tracking, Bola Toss, Blanket Toss, Arctic games, Tug-o-War, cultural dance).


Express insights (e.g., discussion, journal) into the motivation and/or historical factors that influenced the development of the movement activities created by our Northern people and the benefits of these activities related to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.


Evaluate the impact that specific Northern people, including those of both genders, have had on the movement activities pursued by self and others.
