Plan, organize, lead, and evaluate cooperatively movement activity, such as intramurals, fitness fun days, and playground games, to engage younger students and to connect with others.
Indicators for this outcome

Implement a means (e.g., survey, interview) to determine the interests and abilities of the target audience for participation in a planned activity.


Compare the concepts of cooperative and competitive movement activities as a consideration for selecting movement activities for others.


Create and implement, in small groups, a plan to teach and/or lead younger children in participation in movement activity (e.g., intramurals, cooperative game, skill development lesson, activity stations, outdoor hike, fitness buddies, playground games).


Role model active play for younger children that involves the younger children in the play.


Assess the success of the implementation of the plan by considering a variety of feedback sources (e.g., participants, peer/teacher, self-reflection).


Willingly seek advice and support (e.g., classmate, teachers, elders, community members such as recreation directors, health promotions personnel) for how to involve younger children in movement activities.


Express insights in response to questions such as "What does it mean to be a leader and how does that apply in an active living context?", "Does there have to be winners in order for participation in movement activities to be fun?", "How can losing affect someone's willingness to participate in movement activities?", and "What is the best way to pick teams?"
