Examine personal daily nutritional habits and fluid intake practices that support healthy participation in various types of movement activities and the attainment or maintenance of healthy body weight and body composition.
Indicators for this outcome

Communicate, with clarity and correctness, the main contributions (e.g., energy, tissue repair, bone density, hydration) of the essential nutrients (i.e., carbohydrates, fats, protein, minerals, vitamins, and water) in the performance of the body as it relates to participation in movement activities.


Inquire about recommended diets for athletes who specialize in movement activity areas (e.g., long distance runner, hockey player, speed swimmer, biathlon competitor).


Explain how career might have implications for food and fluid intake (e.g., an indoor office worker who sits most of the day compared to a hunter/trapper who is outdoors moving most of the day).


Monitor and assess own fluid intake practices.


Apply knowledge of recommended levels of water consumption to daily behaviours.


Describe the benefits of consuming water on a daily basis as it relates to participation in movement activities.


Explain how to safely use snow and natural water resources for hydration.


Inquire about the nutritional and performance benefits and detriments of commercially promoted sports drinks and energy drinks.


Describe the best type and quantities of fluid to consume during various movement activities under different conditions (e.g., indoor, outdoor, humid, long/short duration)


Identify potential illnesses and injuries that can result from malnutrition and dehydration that have a direct impact on the body's ability to participate in movement activities.


Evaluate whether own food consumption choices and own level of participation in movement activities, over time, will increase, decrease, or maintain body composition.
