Make situational decisions (individual, partner, and team) related to the selection of skills, tactics, and strategies to enhance individual and team performance while participating in:
  • target games (e.g., bowling, curling, golf, bocce ball, archery)
  • invasion/territorial games (e.g., basketball, touch football, soccer, team handball, soft lacrosse, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee)
  • low-organizational, inventive, and co-operative games (e.g., capture the flag, prisoner's base, four goal game).
Indicators for this outcome

Communicate, with clarity, using the terminology associated with tactics (e.g., off-the-ball movement) and strategies (e.g., one-on-one defense) of selected target games and invasion/territorial games.


Express insights in response to questions such as "What must I do to succeed in this situation?", "Which choice is the safest and which is the most risky?", and "When might the riskiest choice be the best choice?"


Demonstrate (e.g., discuss, call out, describe, react to) an awareness of what opponents and teammates are doing, while participating in practice and game situations.


Use effective individual offensive and defensive tactics (e.g., moving away from the ball into open spaces not occupied by a defender, staying between the opponent and the goal) while practising and playing invasion/territorial games.


Explain and use a variety of team offensive and defensive strategies (e.g., give and go, running patterns, zone defense, one-on-one defense) while playing invasion/territorial games.


Analyze the implications for individual performance adjustments (e.g., incorporating a variety of fakes) and team performance adjustments (e.g., changing team defensive set-up) when the opposing team is in your space and trying to prevent you from succeeding.


Propose, apply through participation, and evaluate tactical and strategic choices used in game situations related to both individual and team performance involving both on-the-ball and off-the-ball play.


Explain the connection between tactics and strategies used, and the rules of a variety of target games and invasion/territorial games (e.g., where to try to place the rock in curling based on rock take-out rules, offside rule in a variety of invasion/territorial games).


dentify, practise, and incorporate various offensive tactics that are used in some target games (e.g., when to use guards in curling), in a variety of invasion/territorial games (e.g., how and when to run a variety of different `plays' in touch football), and in a variety of low-organizational and inventive games (e.g., how to create diversions in capture the flag) while participating in practice and game situations with classmates.


Identify, practise, and incorporate various defensive tactics that are used in some target games (e.g., when to try to take out the opponents' rock in curling), a variety of invasion/territorial games (e.g., how to shift the team defense in response to the opponents' strengths), and in low-organizational and inventive games (e.g., how to protect two different nets at the same time in four goal) while participating in practice and game situations with classmates.


Identify options and select, during participation, the most effective skills to use related to specified situations and the flow of the game in target games (e.g., which club to use for a golf stroke), in invasion/territorial games (e.g., opponent cannot move quickly on defense), and in low-organizational and inventive games (e.g., when to foot dribble and when to pass in the four goal game).


Appropriately support teammate who is in possession of game object (e.g., ball, puck) by being in position to receive a pass when participating in invasion/territorial games.


Appropriately guard an opponent who may or may not have possession of the game object (e.g., ball, puck).


Express insights into the effectiveness of skill-selection decisions (e.g., by self, by other, in teacher-described situations) made during game play situations.


Demonstrate effective team communication skills (e.g., calling the ball, calling for help, sharing what opponents are doing) while in practice or game situations.


Adapt rules of low-organizational and inventive games (e.g., line soccer) based on criteria predetermined through problem-solving activities (e.g., suggest rule changes for enhanced activity, inclusion, and/or safety) and implement adaptations into game play.


Tell a story (e.g., written, visual, audio, video, creative performance) of what it looks like and sounds like when members of a team are working well together.
