Refine manipulative (sending, receiving, and accompanying objects) skills used in increasingly complex movement activities such as lead-up games, including:
  • throwing
  • catching (collecting, gathering)
  • kicking
  • hand dribbling
  • foot dribbling
  • striking with hands and short-handled implements (short-handled racquets and paddles).
Indicators for this outcome

Use performance words (e.g., "extend foot downward", "backswing", "shift weight", "look at the ball") to demonstrate understanding of the performance cues used in refined manipulative skills performance.


Incorporate "talk-aloud" self-learning methods (e.g., while performing manipulative skills saying the performance cues words out loud) to strengthen the ability to skillfully move objects.


Throw and catch a ball/object while being guarded by opponents.


Throw and catch a frisbee, varying force, levels, and directions.


Throw quickly at a target immediately after catching a ball/object.


Kick a stationary ball to a moving target such as a partner by approaching the ball from various angles and making contact with both the side and outside of the foot.


Kick a stationary ball accurately at small stationary targets such as pylons.


Throw/strike a ball or object demonstrating both accuracy and distance.


Perform a continuous foot dribble while following given directions (e.g., dribble forward using the inside of the foot, the outside of the foot; change direction of travel by sole tapping the ball and switching feet).


Hand/foot dribble, maintaining control of the ball, through teacher and/or student designed obstacle courses.


Hand/foot dribble while trying to prevent an opponent from stealing the ball.


Strike lightweight balls (e.g., soft touch volleyball, beach balls) both underhand and overhand at targets and over nets.


Strike balls (e.g., tennis, whiffle, ping-pong) with racquets and paddles, both underhand and overhand, at targets and over nets.


Strike birdies with a badminton racquet using and adjusting performance cues to practise various introductory strokes including short serve, long serve, forehand overhead clear, and underhand drop shot.


Create and perform a juggling sequence, with a partner or small group, using items such as scarves, balls, and sticks.


Replicate recommended technique for field events, such as shot put and discus, using frisbees, softballs, and other objects.
