Express and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move objects while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • utilization level of skill when:
    • volleying (to send an object in the air before it comes to rest)
    • striking with long-handled implements (bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks)
  • control level of skill when:
    • punting.
Indicators for this outcome

Use performance words (e.g., "extend foot downward", "backswing", "shift weight", "look at the ball") to demonstrate understanding of performance cues for sending and receiving objects.


Say performance cues (think-aloud) while punting.


Describe how the body will move when in control of punting skillfully and safely.


Volley with hands (set) a volleyball five times consecutively against a wall in an overhead pattern using two hands by moving feet quickly to be in position to get under and behind the ball; curling the fingers so the ball contacts the pads; bending the knees in preparation, extending the legs and moving arms upward upon contact.


Volley with hands (set) a soft touch volleyball or a beach ball upward above the head using proper technique while trying to maintain the volley for an indicated length of time.


Volley with arms (underarm pass) a soft touch volleyball or a beach ball against the wall repeatedly (letting it bounce between passes) by moving feet quickly to be in position to get under and behind the ball; extending the arms forward, forearms and hands together to create a flat surface with thumbs pointing down; bending the knees in preparation; watching ball contact lower 1/3 of forearms; pushing forward and upward with the legs being sure to not swing the arms.


Volley with one foot a lightweight ball or foot bag upward using various parts of the foot and maintaining control.


Strike stationary objects using various long-handled implements while aiming at different targets (including open spaces) at varying distances.


Strike moving objects (e.g., self-tossed ball with a bat, pitched ball with a bat, moving puck with a stick, partner-sent shuttlecock [birdie]) so they travel in intended direction.


Strike balls and birdies over nets with racquets and paddles (e.g., badminton, table tennis, pickleball) attempting to strike the object continuously and cooperatively with a partner while using a variety of strokes (e.g., serve, overhead clear, underhand clear, lob). Indicators Control Level of Skill:


Punt a lightweight ball upward and forward by dropping (not tossing) the ball, extending the kicking foot downwards so as to contact the ball with the "shoelaces"; watching the ball until contact is made; following the foot through in a forward motion.


Punt a variety of balls, practising for accuracy, for height, and for distance.
