Apply, with guidance, beneficial and safe strategies to improve flexibility and muscular endurance through participation in a variety of movement activities.
Indicators for this outcome

Identify the health-related fitness benefit (e.g., whether flexibility or muscular endurance; which muscles are benefiting) while participating in teacher-selected exercises and activities that enhance flexibility or muscular endurance.


Explain the potential consequences of poor flexibility as related to possible injury and the ability to perform various activities, including daily living activities such as housework and yard work.


Determine, demonstrate, and express the purpose and qualities of effective and safe flexibility (including dynamic stretching) and muscular endurance exercises.


Analyze the flexibility and muscular endurance benefits of participation in various movement activities.


Explain the benefits of an improved level of health-related fitness, specifically muscular endurance and flexibility, on personal ability to improve performance of motor skills.


Incorporate the use of a variety of objects and equipment into muscular endurance and flexibility challenging activities (e.g., dynaband, resistance bands, surgical tubing, exercise ball, skipping rope, towel).


Demonstrate and incorporate different ways to use sports-related equipment to improve muscular endurance and flexibility (e.g., stretch using a golf club or lacrosse stick for resistance, pass a basketball against the wall with two hands without stopping for one minute).


Collaboratively create (in small groups) and participate in a flexibility routine and muscular endurance exercise plan that prepares the body for a specified activity (e.g., alternate environment activity – skiing: muscular endurance exercises for the leg and shoulder muscles).
