Incorporate safe practices (e.g., warm-up, cool-down, safe stretching, protective responses, proper attire, well-maintained equipment) for the prevention of injury and investigate basic first aid associated with care of illness and injury resulting from participation in movement activities both in and out of physical education class.
Indicators for this outcome

Determine what should be included in a basic first aid kit for given movement activity situations (e.g., day hike, soccer game, boating/fishing trip).


Describe ways to adapt to outdoor conditions in any season including ways to prevent hyperthermia (heat stroke or sunstroke), hypothermia (extreme cold), sunburns, and frostbite.


Demonstrate and practise safe techniques for lifting heavy objects and for responding to unplanned falls (e.g., tripping, falling off a bike).


Explain the difference between safe stretching and strengthening exercises and those that are unsafe (e.g., bouncing or pulsing muscles when stretching can damage the muscles, locking a joint severely strains the ligaments and cartilage).


Analyze and attend to role-played injuries, individually or in teams.


Recognize and practise safe movements while performing common exercises (e.g., curl ups, neck rotations, back bends or bridges, knee bends) and identify unsafe movements.


Identify potential hazards in a variety of movement activity environments, including in the gymnasium and on the playground, and make recommendations for improvements related to safety.
