Demonstrate positive interactions with others in cooperative and competitive movement activities.
Indicators for this outcome

Respond positively to challenges, successes, and losses while participating in movement activities.


Participate willingly and respectfully in all physical education activities.


Demonstrate the ability to be responsible for own social behaviours while participating in interactive movement activities.


Express insights as to how positive and negative social behaviours (e.g., sharing, showing respect, fairness, honesty, cheating, lying) may affect the outcome of an activity and future social interaction, both during movement activities and at other times.


Describe what it looks like and sounds like when people are cooperating during participation in competitive movement activities.


Distinguish between compliance and non-compliance with rules and guidelines of games.


Express insights to answer questions such as "Why do we play games?", "Why do games have rules?", "When should the score matter?", "Is there any point in competing if we do not keep score?", and "When is it important to win a game?".


Demonstrate the ability to win graciously and to accept defeat positively.


Provide input into establishing rules and guidelines for behaviour for participation in cooperative and competitive movement activities.


Celebrate personal successes and achievements as well as those of others.


Work and play cooperatively with peers, both as teammates and opponents.


Explain how personal attitudes (e.g., willingness to try, level of involvement, desire to learn) affect skill development and enjoyment of self and others.
