Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body on the spot when participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • utilization level of skill when:
    • landing on hands from kneeling position
    • rotating on the spot
  • control level of skill when:
    • landing on hands from a bent knee standing position.
Indicators for this outcome

Use performance words (e.g., "arms straight out to the side", "chin up", "feet tight together") to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language connected to skillful non-locomotor movement.


Say performance cues (think-aloud) while landing on hands from a bent knee standing position.


Describe how the body will move skillfully and safely when landing on hands from a bent knee standing position.


Land on hands onto a mat, from a kneeling position, in response to a variety of challenges (e.g., while being `pushed' by a partner, in a `wave' pattern with classmates, in unison with a partner, "fall, land, and immediately rise back up").


Incorporate landings on hands into sequences of movements.


Rotate on the spot (turn) in a variety of ways (e.g., in a squatting position, with arms above head, in one direction and then in the other direction, on one foot), on raised surfaces (e.g., stacked mats, bench, low beam), and while holding objects (e.g., hoops, balls, scarves).


Land on hands by falling forward onto a mat, from a bent knee standing position, with finger tips then heels of hands contacting the surface, elbows gradually bending slightly away from the body, and lowering self with very little sound as the body contacts the surface.


Land on hands by falling backward onto a mat, from a bent knee standing position, making sure to slowly absorb the impact by reaching back with fingertips of hands facing forward, and bending elbows once hands contact the surface, keeping chin tucked to chest, lowering body weight, and rocking backward on
