Express and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body through space while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • utilization level of skill when:
    • jumping backward and landing
    • hopping (body moves on one foot as in right foot to right foot)
    • skipping (combines a step and a hop)
    • leaping (body `takes off' from one foot, propels through air for distance, then lands on the opposite foot)
    • sliding (one foot steps, body propels upward, other foot moves to meet the first foot)
    • galloping (one foot steps, body propels upward, other foot moves to meet the first foot)
    • rolling forward (see note)
    • rolling sideways
  • control level of skill when:
    • rolling backward (see note on page 34).
Indicators for this outcome

Use performance words (e.g., "land on lead foot", "stay tucked", "swing arms through large arc") to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language connected to skillful locomotor movement.


Say performance cues (think-aloud) while rolling backwards.


Describe how the body will move when in control of rolling backward skillfully and safely (see note on page 34).


Jump backward for height, stretching high in the air, and landing softly and safely in control, maintaining balance on the landing.


Jump backward and land in control repeatedly, increasing speed and control over time.


Jump and land in patterns of movement (e.g., backward, forward, sideways right, sideways left, backward, repeat).


Hop on right foot at least four times and then on left foot at least four times while changing directions by rotating along the vertical axis (e.g., quarter turns, half turns), moving forward and then backward, moving side to side, maintaining balance; continuing to alternate four times on each foot until given the signal to stop.


Hop on one foot in-out and/or over a series of obstacles (e.g., hoops on floor, raised hoop supported by boxes, low beam, tires).


Skip forward, alternating lead foot, while moving in unison with a partner.


Gallop through general space with right foot leading; on signal switch to left foot leading and continue to gallop until given the signal to stop.


Leap upward, after running forward, landing in control and continue running to leap again, alternating take-off foot.


Slide step sideways for a given number of steps and then slide step the opposite direction for a given number of steps, while mirroring a partner.


Transfer weight from two feet to two hands, kicking feet upward, momentarily taking weight on hands only, and back to feet, landing in control with a soft landing.


Roll forward smoothly, starting and ending in a standing straddle position.


Roll forward two times in a row, starting in a standing position and ending in a standing position transitioning smoothly from one roll to the next.


Roll forward ending in a standing position after jumping off a slightly raised object (e.g., benches, steps), landing in control then transitioning smoothly into the roll.


Create and present a sequence of forward and sideways rolls, demonstrating smooth transitions and safe, soft landings.


Avoid contact with others when utilizing locomotor skills.


Roll in a backward direction starting in a standing position, bringing hands to ears while bending knees and lowering through to a seated tuck with back rounded and chin to chest; then placing hands on the floor by the shoulders with palms down and fingers pointing towards shoulders; staying tucked, lifting hips and pushing with the hands against the mat; then extending arms to keep weight off the neck and head while remaining tucked; when feet touch the floor, extending legs and then standing up.
