Demonstrate, with little or no support, safe and cooperative behaviours while participating in physical education activities.
Indicators for this outcome

Follow teacher-identified rules, routines, and safety procedures in a variety of movement activity settings.


Initiate gathering and/or setting up of equipment.


Demonstrate safe handling, use, and care of equipment used in movement activities.


Explain why dressing appropriately (e.g., wear running shoes with laces tied when in the gym, wear mitts and a hat when participating in outdoor activities in the winter) is important for participation in a variety of movement activities, both indoors and outdoors.


Suggest rules for safe use of equipment used in a specified location (e.g., playground) after participating in and/or viewing activity.


Express insights on own behaviours and actions related to safe and cooperative behaviours associated with participation in movement activities.


Explain what cheating looks like when playing a game.


Express insights in response to questions such as “Is there ever a time when we are playing that we do not have to cooperate?” and “How should we respond to someone who is cheating when we are playing?”.


Demonstrate an understanding of the guidelines and expected behaviours that promote safety and are appropriate for own age and ability (e.g., keep your shoes tied, warn others when they might be unaware of a ball rolling near their feet).


Create, share, and follow simple rules of play for cooperative movement activities and games involving one or two other people.


Cooperate with others to help gather and put away equipment needed for participation in movement activities.
