Physical Education 1
Explore and demonstrate rhythmical movement in response to different rhythms (e.g., quick, slow, sharp, soft) and dance patterns, using locomotor skills and non-locomotor skills.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Replicate clapping patterns, drumming patterns, and other non-locomotor movements (e.g., pretend punching, kicking) led by others. |
(b) | Move to a rhythm (e.g., beat of a drum, clapping) trying to keep in time and using a variety of traveling (e.g., walking, hopping) and non-traveling skills (e.g., bending, leaning). |
(c) | Create appropriate movement patterns as suggested by vocabulary that follow a beat (e.g., slowly – show how you would walk in snowshoes; quickly – show how you would run for a pass in football). |
(d) | Use movement to tell a story that matches the flow and rhythm of music. |
(e) | Create and perform patterns of locomotor and non-locomotor combinations of movements by following indicated rhythmic patterns starting with a combination of at least 2 skills (e.g., walk forward 4 steps, walk backward, clap 4 times, then slap each knee 2 times, repeat; tap head 3 times, stomp feet 3 times, flap arms 3 times). |
(f) | Maintain rhythmical movement while participating in a variety of social and cultural dances (e.g., Round Dance, Hokey-pokey, Chicken Dance, Rabbit Dance). (Note: Physical participation in First Nations and Métis dances should occur after the spirit and intent of these dances have been taught in arts education through Outcome CH1.2.) |