Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move objects, including at a progressing-towards-control level when:
  • throwing (rolling)
  • catching (collecting, gathering)
  • kicking.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use performance words (e.g., “look at the ball”, “step forward”) to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language related to skillful sending and receiving of objects.
(b) Repeat teacher-stated performance cues (think-aloud) while performing manipulative skills.
(c) Explore, with guidance, and discuss a variety of ways to throw small and large balls, scarves, beanbags, and other objects (e.g., throw underhand straight up, throw overhand far ahead, throw with right hand, throw with left hand, throw with two hands) to determine how the body movement changes when throwing in different ways.
(d) Move objects such as small balls, bean bags, and scarves by transferring one, two, or three objects between hands (e.g., juggle two bean bags).
(e) Throw various small objects (e.g., balls, beanbags) from varying distances, both underhand and overhand, under, over, through, and at obstacles such as nets and hoops, using one hand and then the other.
(f) Explore rolling balls of various sizes at targets such as pylons.
(g) Explore, with guidance, and discuss trying to catch in a variety of ways (e.g., with one hand, with two hands, objects thrown up high, objects thrown down low, objects that are rolling) to determine how the body movement changes when catching in different ways.
(h) Catch, using two hands, a medium size ball thrown underhand by an experienced thrower who stands a short distance away.
(i) Practise repeatedly tossing medium size balls to self and trying to catch them while not traveling.
(j) Practise throwing a ball towards a stationary surface, such as a wall, and catching it after it rebounds off the wall, and off the wall and then the floor.
(k) Gather (pick up from the floor) a large ball that is rolling towards and rolling away.

Explore, with guidance, and discuss a variety of ways to kick small and large balls (e.g., while standing still, while running towards, with right foot, with left foot, with toes, with instep) to determine how the body movement changes when kicking in different ways.


Kick larger balls from a stationary standing position in an indicated direction and at large targets, using one foot and then the other.


Practise approaching and kicking a stationary ball forward, using one foot and then the other.


Practise tapping a ball along the ground with one foot, and then the other, while moving behind it.


Explore and share ways to move objects (e.g., balloons, balls of various sizes) using various body parts such as arms, legs, and head.


Explore and share ways to change the flight of moving objects (e.g., balloons, balls of various sizes) by varying how the skill is performed (e.g., bend forward to roll a ball then stand tall to roll a ball; contact the object while it is high in the air, at waist height, and at knee height).
