Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body on the spot, including at a:
  • control level of skill when:
  • balancing
  • jumping on the spot
  • progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
  • landing on hands from kneeling position
  • rotating on the spot
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Create a variety of ways to move the body while remaining in one spot.
(b) Move appropriately in response to a variety of non-locomotor skills named by others (e.g., twist, bend, curl, lean, sway).
(c) Use performance words (e.g., “extend arms high in the air”, “knees bend slightly”, “keep feet wide apart”) to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language related to skillful non-locomotor movement.
(d) Repeat teacher-stated performance cues (think-aloud) while performing non-locomotor skills.
(e) Describe how the body will move when in control of balancing, and jumping and landing on the spot skillfully and safely.
(f) Jump for height by flexing hips, knees, and ankles in a crouch to prepare for the jump; extending arms vigorously forward, then upward upon takeoff, reaching full extension above the head at lift off, and extending the body fully; landing with ankles extending in preparation for the land; contacting the ground with the balls of the feet first, followed by the heels; flexing hips, knees, and ankles to absorb the shock of the landing (e.g., “motorcycle riding position”).
(g) Balance on increasingly smaller bases of support (e.g., one foot, one foot and one hand) holding the body still while tightening the muscles of the free body parts (e.g., “pull your stomach in”) and extending free body parts (e.g., arms, a leg) for stability.
(h) Demonstrate a variety of ways to twist, turn, stretch, bend, and curl the body (as indicated by the teacher) while standing on two feet and without losing balance.
(i) Land on two feet without losing balance after jumping straight up.

Perform movement sequences as described by the teacher (e.g., balance with three parts of your body touching the ground and hold it for five seconds; now, jump in the air and turn so you land facing a different direction).


Propose real life situations when it would be helpful to be able to fall onto hands without getting hurt (e.g., trip over something, playing a sport).


Discuss and practise falling forward while starting on knees and landing on hands on soft surfaces, keeping arms reaching straight, and as hands contact surface, begin absorbing body weight and force, gently lowering self to surface.


Describe and attempt a variety of ways to rotate on the spot (e.g., turn, jump turn).


Explore, with guidance, and describe what happens to the body when rotating on the spot with: arms in the air, arms held tight to the sides of the body, arms reaching out wide, and arms moving to various positions while in the rotation.


Explore, with guidance, and describe what happens to the rotation when the body is stretched tall compared to when the body is small and compact.


Practise rotating on the spot, with guidance, in various ways without falling down.
