Locomotor Skills Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body through space, including at a: control level of skill when: walking running jumping forward and landing jumping sideways and landing progressing-towards-control level of skill when: jumping backward and landing hopping (body moves on one foot as in right foot to right foot) skipping (combines a step and a hop) leaping (body ‘takes off’ from one foot, propels through air for distance, then lands on the opposite foot) sliding (one foot steps and the other moves to meet the first foot, “step-close”) galloping (one foot steps, body propels upward, other foot moves to meet the first foot) rolling forward (see note) rolling sideways.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explore and demonstrate a variety of ways to travel through space (e.g., imitate motorized and non-motorized vehicles, imitate animals, imitate athletes) without contacting others.
(b) Respond physically and correctly to a variety of traveling skills named by others (e.g., hop, leap, jump).
(c) Use performance words (e.g., “arms close to side”, “knees bend slightly”) to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language related to skillful locomotor movement.
(d) Repeat teacher-stated performance cues (think-aloud) while performing locomotor skills.
(e) Describe how the body will move when in control of walking, running, and jumping forward and jumping sideways skillfully and safely.
(f) Walk with body moving smoothly with little bounce; swinging arms through small arc – forward and backward, close to sides, from the shoulders; facing toes straight ahead with feet spaced slightly apart; and holding head in line with spine; moving foot opposite to arm that swings (e.g., right foot moves forward in unison with left arm).
(g) Run with trunk leaning forward slightly; moving foot opposite to arm that swings (e.g., right foot moves forward in unison with left arm); swinging arms through large arc; bending knee slightly after ground contact; leg pushing body forward and upward swinging through quickly with knee facing forward; and contacting floor with heel of foot first, then quickly rolling to entire foot.
(h) Walk, forward and backward, and run, forward, through general space trying not to make contact with others and stop on signal without falling down.
(i) Jump for distance by extending arms vigorously forward, then upward upon takeoff and reaching full extension about head height at lift off; extending the hips, knees, and ankles fully at takeoff, with the body angle at 45 degrees or less; moving legs forward and arms downward in preparation for landing; landing with heels contacting the ground first; knees are flexed and the body thrusting forward to maintain the momentum to carry the centre of gravity forward beyond the feet.
(j) Jump forward and jump sideways from two feet to two feet, one foot to two feet, one foot to one foot, and two feet to one foot, trying to land in control.
(k) Explore a variety of ways of traveling based on given instructions (e.g., hop on one foot, gallop like a horse, slide like a hockey player on skates).
(l) Practise traveling through general space without making contact with others while moving in a variety of ways (e.g., hopping, leaping, skipping).

Practise jumping backward on two feet and trying to land in control.


Explore, with guidance, rolling like a log, trying to move in a straight line and trying to keep the body stretched with legs together.


Describe how the body moves when varying rolling like a log (e.g., downhill, uphill, trying to stay on a line on the floor).


Explore, with guidance, rolling forward and rolling sideways in a variety of self-determined body shapes.
