Dynamic Relationships
Relate family events and stories of the recent or distant past to the student's place in present day family life.
Describe kinship patterns of the past and present and describe according to traditional teachings (e.g., Medicine Wheel teachings).
Demonstrate awareness of humans' reliance on the natural environment to meet needs, and how location affects families in meeting needs and wants.
Recognize globes and maps as representations of the surface of the Earth, and distinguish land and water masses on globes and maps.
Identify and represent the orientation in space (where) and time (when) of significant places and events in the lives of students.
Grandmother/Grandfather Series
This series introduces young students to First Nations traditions, celebrations and cultural icons.
•  Grandfather, What is a Powwow?
•  Grandfather, What is a Sweat Lodge?
•  Grandfather, Why Do We Use the Drum?
•  Grandmother, What are the Seven Teachings?
•  Grandmother, What is a Dreamcatcher?
•  Grandmother, What is a Feast?
•  Grandmother, What is a Talking Stick For?
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $99.95 (10 book set)
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
On Earth
Karas describes Earth and its cycles. He invites young children to travel on the spaceship Earth as the concepts of rotation and revolution are introduced. The Earth is in constant motion as it spins, circles, glides and tilts. Throughout the book, relevant terminology is introduced.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.99
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Sandy's Incredible Shrinking Footprint
Sandy loves to visit her grandpa's house by the beach where she and her dog, Pepper, play in the sand. One day, Sandy's walk to the beach is ruined because the sand is littered with garbage. Sandy wonders who would do this to a beautiful place. She then meets the Garbage Lady who keeps the beach clean by recycling materials that she has found. The Garbage Lady teaches Sandy that by recycling and reusing items, she is shrinking her footprint. At the back of the book are 12 suggestions for shrinking our footprints.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Our World, Grade 1. My Community. Big Book
The big book entitled Our World, Grade 1: My Community has large, colourful pages and visuals to engage students. Each lesson begins with a question to introduce an inquiry, with succeeding pages designed to fuel the inquiry. Each lesson also ends with a question to initiate further exploration of the concept.
•  Our World, Grade 1. My Community. Classroom Literacy Kit
•  Our World, Grade 1. My Community. Teaching Resource
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $299.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms
Fletcher loves everything about springtime. As Fletcher celebrates spring in the orchard, he sees "snow" on the ground. He tells the birds to fly back south and the rest of the animals that spring has not yet arrived. In the orchard, the bunnies see the "snow" and let all the animals in on the secret of the snow. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written by Julia Rawlinson and illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Better That Way
Written for her eight-year-old son, Bouvier writes a poem about growing up. She draws upon her own learning from her grandparents, parents, and other individuals that crossed her life. The values that Bouvier learned are captured in the poem, and she reminds us that we should practise those values daily.
Included with the book is a CD with an English and Michif narration of the poem.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Fletcher and the Falling Leaves
Fletcher the fox has a favourite tree, which is loosing its leaves now that fall has arrived. He worries about his tree and thinks there is something wrong with it. Winter arrives and a new surprise awaits Fletcher as the tree undergoes another transformation. This is a video version of the storybook written by Julia Rawlinson, with pictures by Tiphanie Beeke.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
A Mother's Earth
This award-winning series, produced in Cree, English and French, uses stop-motion animation to portray life in a fictional northern Saskatchewan community. It focuses on issues and events in the lives of children and their supportive families in this traditional Cree community. The adults guide the children to retain their traditional culture and values while living in the modern world. In this episode, six year old Raven must write a report on identity, describing who she thinks she is. Through talking to many people in the community, 10-year-old Talon reconciles her Cree-Metis identity as a daughter and sister. Cousin T-Bear and brother Talon are asked to help create a sweat lodge and through their hard work they earn their Indian names. Non-Aboriginal students viewing this film will gain a better understanding of Aboriginal identity and traditional practices. T-Bone's father's role at the band office provides a glimpse into First Nations governance and its complex issues.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Big Bear Hug
A kind-hearted bear is so filled with love and joy that he always hugs everything in sight. One day, however, he is tempted to be violent when he crosses paths with a human who is about to cut down a beautiful old tree. After pausing to reflect, the bear is able to resolve the situation in a non-violent fashion. Simple, cartoon-style illustrations pair with easy-to-read text in this endearing story.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.99
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Looking After Me
Young Quail learns life lessons through the love of his family. Quail learns about feelings - it is okay to be mad, but not to try to hurt others with words. He learns that when he is happy, he twirls and his wings draw a circle. His father tells him that it is his sacred circle and no one can go inside the circle if Quail does not want him or her to do so. Quail learns that being part of a family is special and that we are all gifts from the Creator.
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Treaty Tales Series
The Treaty Tales series consists of three books for children that explain the history and symbolism of treaties. Since these books were published in Manitoba, the text occasionally refers to Manitoba and the Anishinabe as examples, but the principles of the content apply to all Canadians.
•  The Friendship
•  The Handshake and the Pipe
•  We Are All Treaty People
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $59.95 (set of 3 books)
Record posted/updated: May 21, 2021
My World. An Elementary Atlas. Student Edition
This atlas is designed for young children to develop mapping skills. There is developmentally appropriate progression in reading, geography and mapping skills. Students learn how to read and use maps by developing an understanding of the elements of maps such as symbols, legends, scales and grids.
The atlas includes a table of contents and a gazetteer.
•  My World. An Elementary Atlas. Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $38.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
A Journey Through the Circle of Life
Cheyenne's pépère teaches her to plant a tree every year to honour Mother Nature and to respect the circle of life. At first, Cheyenne is sad when Pépère passes away, but Cheyenne realizes that Pépère's teachings will live long after he no longer walks the earth.
This book highlights the importance of looking ahead to and planning for what we leave our grandchildren and the generations to follow.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Critical Challenges Across the Curriculum Series
The Critical Challenges Across the Curriculum Series offers challenges and suggested activities for teachers to use in developing critical thinking skills in students. The challenges are designed so that students thoughtfully explore subject matter. Reproducible blackline masters and assessment rubrics complement the activities.
•  Celebrating Families
•  Contributing to Family and Community
•  I Can Make a Difference
•  Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities at School
Media and Formats : Book
Price : various
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
A Prairie Alphabet
Writer Jo Bannatyne-Cugnet offers an alphabetical look at various aspects of rural prairie life. Moore's paintings provide visual information about seasonal changes, farm activities, family gatherings and children's interests. In each picture, viewers will be able to locate numerous objects beginning with a particular letter. Concluding pages offer notes that name the objects and provide a brief description of each painting.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Nelson Literacy 1
This major integrated resource for English language arts provides support for the three curriculum goals: comprehend and respond, compose and create and assess and reflect on language abilities. It also addresses the six strands: viewing, listening, reading, representing, speaking and writing.
Included in the resource is a variety of formats to support resource-based learning. Instructional strategies are explained and differentiating instruction is included to assist teachers with the diversity within the classrooms. The "release of responsibility" model has students demonstrating and applying their knowledge in a variety of ways. A comprehensive approach is used to teach the cues and conventions and they are incorporated into the framework of the lesson plans. There are cross-curricular units that link to science and social studies.
The teacher's guide is detailed and comprehensive with formative and summative assessment tools. Teacher reflection is emphasized.
(More information)
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Energy in the Environment
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Materials and Objects
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. My World
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Relationships, Rules, and Responsibilities
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Seasons
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. The Needs of Living Things
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. Energy in Our Lives
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. Materials and Objects
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. My World
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. Relationships, Rules, and Responsibilities
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. Seasons
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. The Needs of Living Things
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. Energy in Our Lives
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. Materials and Objects
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. My World
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. Relationships, Rules, and Responsibilities
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. Seasons
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. The Needs of Living Things
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Follow That Map!: A First Book of Mapping Skills
Ritchie introduces mapping skills to young children. Sally and her friends search for Max, the dog, and Ollie, the cat, who have escaped to the backyard. Throughout the story, children learn mapping features such as a compass rose and its function. Tips on how to use one feature of mapping are indicated in bold print.
Ritchie highlights different kinds of maps, such as weather maps, maps to follow routes, treasure maps and topographical maps. At the end of the book is an activity where students map their bedroom.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $17.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Niwechihaw/I Help
Told in Cree and English, the story explores the relationship between a young boy and his grandmother (Kôhkum). The two prepare to take a walk in the woods to pick rosehips. The young boy follows his grandmother as she walks, listens, picks, prays and eats. By mimicking her actions, the young boy is learning the cultural traditions and values of his Cree heritage. Included at the back of the book is a recipe to make rosehip tea.
Teachers may consider bringing an Elder into the classroom to discuss our relationships to the land.
This book was selected as a finalist for the 2009 Canadian Children's Book Centre - Best Books for Kids and Teens.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
My Favorite Time of the Year
This picture book presents two children enjoying seasonal activities throughout the year. There are four dedicated pages for each season. At the end of the book, the four seasons are represented in a circle along with drawings of animals in each season.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: January 7, 2022
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 1: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students will examine actions and practices that contribute to peace and order. They will learn about the rules that bring order to society and the governance structures that create those rules. Students will discover how rules are made and the processes for changing rules. Students examine the various levels of government to understand the responsibilities of different governments and understand the decision making process. Students will continue to learn about respect for themselves, others and their environment.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 3, 2020
Teaching Treaties in the Classroom
The Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC) has developed a treaty information kit for use in Saskatchewan schools. The kit features educational resource materials that include curriculum supplements, videos and books about the history of treaties. The individual pieces show both First Nations and European perspectives about the treaty relationship. Information on treaty topics range from the precontact history of First Nations people, first contact issues, the relevance of the past to the contemporary situation and what is happening within the present treaty relationship.
The OTC provides inservice training for teachers in use of the kit.
The kit was provided to every school in the province.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $350.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Taanishi Books - Emergent Reader Series
This series of books explores a variety of themes in Métis culture. The books are written at guided reading levels A to I, with each theme containing one book at a lower, middle and higher reading level. Themes explored in the set are: Métis Beadwork, Métis Clothing, Métis Dance, Métis Food, Métis Identity, Métis Music, Métis Symbols and Celebrations and Métis Traditional Storytelling. Each book contains colourful photographs and begins with a Cultural Connections text box that provides background information on the content of the book.
(More information)
•  Métis Beadwork. Can You See Flowers? (6 pack)
•  Métis Beadwork. I Spy Flower Beadwork (6 pack)
•  Métis Beadwork. Maria Beads a Flower (6 pack)
•  Métis Clothing. All About the Sash (6 pack)
•  Métis Clothing. The Sash (6 pack)
•  Métis Clothing. Time to Dance (6 pack)
•  Métis Dance. Dancing Shapes (6 pack)
•  Métis Dance. Métis Dance Shapes (6 pack)
•  Métis Dance. The Métis Star Dance (6 pack)
•  Métis Food - What Do You Like on Your Beignes? (6 pack)
•  Métis Food - What's for Lunch? (6 pack)
•  Métis Food. Bang! Beigne! (6 pack)
•  Métis Food. Making Beignes with Kohkum (6 pack)
•  Métis Food. Rababoo Stew for Lunch (6 pack)
•  Métis Food. Yummy, Yummy in My Tummy (6 pack)
•  Métis Identity. Back to Batoche Days (6 pack)
•  Métis Identity. Batoche Cheerleader (6 pack)
•  Métis Identity. We Are Métis! (6 pack)
•  Métis Music. Andy Learns to Fiddle (6 pack)
•  Métis Music. Squeak Squawk! (6 pack)
•  Métis Music. The Fiddle Competition (6 pack)
•  Métis Symbols & Celebrations. Let's Make a Métis Flag Pin (6 pack)
•  Métis Symbols & Celebrations. Where is the Métis Flag? (6 pack)
•  Métis Symbols and Celebrations. High in the Sky (6 pack)
•  Métis Traditional Storytelling. Do You Believe in Roogaroos? (6 pack)
•  Métis Traditional Storytelling. Is There a Roogaroo in You? (6 pack)
•  Métis Traditional Storytelling. Where's the Roogaroo? (6 pack)
•  Taanishi Books. Library Pack
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Circle of Life Set 2. Single Copy Set
The Circle of Life series contains stories that present First Nations cultures, traditional knowledge and worldviews. The 11 student books in Set 2 support guided reading levels F-I. Titles in the starter pack include: My Drum, The Sweat Lodge and Berry Picking with Nokomis. Additional copies of each student book may be purchased in packages of 6.
•  Circle of Life Set 2. Berry Picking with Nokomis (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. Corn Soup (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. Frogs for Supper (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. Getting Ready for the Feast (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. Making Bannock (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. My Drum (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. Nokomis and I Go to Town (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. Sharing (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. Teacher eSupport DVD
•  Circle of Life Set 2. The Gift of Water (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. The Sweat Lodge (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 2. To the Arena (6-pack)
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : $87.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
My Family
In this book, Kona, a Métis child, introduces her family as they prepare for a feast. The role of Kona's grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts and cousins are described as they get ready for the family celebration. The bold, vibrant illustrations are intriguing.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 8, 2021
Solomon's Tree
On the West Coast of Canada, Solomon has developed a special relationship with a large maple tree in his yard. Through the tree, Solomon has learned many things about the life of insects, plants and animals. After a fierce storm topples the maple, Solomon's uncle leads him through the process of creating a mask, which brings to life all of the things that were special to Solomon. Students will appreciate Solomon, his family, the respect there is for the natural environment and how art is a part of the culture in this story.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Let's Eat!: What Children Eat Around the World
Jamie Oliver introduces Let's Eat! as a means for students to learn about five countries in the world through food. One meal is described from each country as well as a special day in each child's life, such as a festival or mushrooming.
There is one recipe from each country at the end of the book. The students will have fun smelling, touching, tasting and laughing as they try out the recipes.
Included are a table of contents, recipes and a glossary.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $21.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Mom and Mum Are Getting Married!
Refreshing, sensitive, colourful, fair, engaging and inclusive are just a few of the words that can be used to describe this story about same-sex marriage. With love and affection, Rosie, the young daughter, describes the excitement of planning and taking part in the wedding between her two moms. The text and illustrations portray a loving family where diversity is accepted.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Up We Grow!: A Year in the Life of a Small, Local Farm
Children learn about the role and importance of small, local farms. Using the four seasons, children will understand the workings of the farm from plowing, planting, composting, mulching, harvesting, marketing fruits and vegetables and caring for the animals.
Children will realize that we depend upon the people who work together to grow and to share food for our sustenance, while protecting and respecting the land and animals.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $16.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Saskatchewan 1905-2005 Guide for Teachers
Developed by the Western Development Museum, this teacher resource offers lesson plans, Saskatchewan fast facts, materials lists and suggested additional resources. There are 25 Saskatchewan themes and 100 lesson plans. Topics contained in the resource include rural electrification, immigration, First Nations and Métis farming and health care. Some of the lessons plans have been translated into French and Cree.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $32.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, through the Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation, has created a website that provides classroom resources to support the teaching of citizenship competencies from Grades K-12. Lesson plans may either be viewed online or downloaded as PDFs. To access these resources, educators only need to sign up and create an account through the website's Teacher Portal. If teachers experience any difficulties signing up, they are welcome to contact info@concentus.ca for help in creating an account.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 22, 2019
Circle of Life Set 1. Single Copy Set
The Circle of Life series contains stories that present First Nations cultures, traditional knowledge and worldviews. The 11 student books in Set 1 support guided reading levels A-E. Titles in the starter pack include: Getting Ready for the Powwow, Why Do You Smudge, Mishoomis? and At Home in the Bush. Additional copies of each student book may be purchased in packages of 6.
•  Circle of Life Set 1. At Home in the Bush (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. Can You Give Me My Name? (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. Four Colours, Four Hands (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. Getting Ready for the Powwow (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. I Can Sing (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. In the Light of Grandmother Moon (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. My Bustle (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. Teacher eSupport DVD
•  Circle of Life Set 1. The Six Clans (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. Where are Grandma and Grandpa? (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. Where is My Moccasin? (6-pack)
•  Circle of Life Set 1. Why Do You Smudge, Mishoomis? (6-pack)
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : $87.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Li'l Shadd: A Story of Ujima
When Li'l Shadd's father, a pioneer doctor, is called away to see a patient on his birthday, Li'l Shadd rides along. He learns the value of helping people in his community as Li'l Shadd's father is able to treat a sick child in Nikanisiw's family. This story is a fictionalized account of real Saskatchewan people: Dr. Alfred Schmitz Shadd, his son, Garrison, and Nikanisiw and his family. A teacher's guide created by the Saskatchewan African Canadian Heritage Museum to support the study of this book is available for download at http://www.sachm.org/assets/Teacher-Guide-FINAL-Dec.-15.pdf. This guide has not been evaluated through the Ministry's resources evaluation process.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Taking Care of Mother Earth
Charlie likes to help his grandmother, who tells stories while they work. While being reminded to turn off the water tap, Grandma describes how everything around us is connected to water. Children will benefit from Grandma's wisdom as they learn to take care of Mother Earth.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Relatives With Roots: A Story About Métis Women's Connection to the Land: Lii Peraantii avik la Rasin. Eñ Nistwaar Taanishi lii Faam di Michif E'ishi Kisheyitakik li Tayraeñ
A Métis grandmother teaches her granddaughter about how the Métis people use plants for food and medicine by taking her out into the bush. The granddaughter learns about cultural traditions and how important it is to be grateful for the land and all the gifts it provides.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $15.50
Record posted/updated: March 11, 2020
Thirteen Moons on Turtle's Back
In this illustrated book, the turtle’s back is a significant symbol to the Iroquois people that represents the creation of Turtle Island. A closer look will reveal a pattern of thirteen individual segments on his back which represent each moon of the cycle of seasons. There are also twenty-eight platelets which form an edging around the shell which represent the number of days in the moon cycle.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $29.95
Record posted/updated: January 6, 2022
The Story of Truth
This illustrated story is about Truth, one of the Seven Teachings. Two brothers Shane and Tyler learn how important it is to tell the truth, even if it may not be in their favour.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (complete set)
Record posted/updated: January 7, 2022
The Story of Honesty
This illustrated story is about Honesty, one of the Seven Teachings. In this story, Susan finds a watch that belongs to Mary, who is distraught for having lost it. After struggling with her thoughts and feelings, Susan returns the watch to Mary the next day.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (7 book kit)
Record posted/updated: January 7, 2022
The Story of Courage
This illustrated story is about Courage, one of the Seven Teachings. In this story, Tim musters the courage to ride his bike for the first time without training wheels. With his father’s encouragement Tim overcomes his fear.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (7 book set)
Record posted/updated: January 7, 2022
The Story of Love
This illustrated story is about Love, one of the Seven Teachings. In this story, excitement and love are shown by family members at the arrival of a newborn. The lack of attention on big sister makes her feel as though she is unloved, but her parents reassure her that she is loved, and that baby is dependent on others and needs more attention.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (7 book set)
Record posted/updated: January 7, 2022
Askî and Friends: Help Me Tell My Story
These digital storybooks were developed as part of the Help Me Tell My Story early childhood oral language assessment. The assessment is unique in many ways and it is grounded in First Nations and Métis holistic perspectives on learning. All of the stories incorporate traditional beliefs and perspectives and are available in five languages: Cree, Dene, Michif, English and French. The four storybooks focus on Askî, his three friends Nipi, Kon and Tate and their lives around the pond. The stories introduce Turtle Island and Mother Earth - two concepts that are central in the First Nations worldview. The stories were developed to be used in the classroom and in the home to help improve early childhood language skills. These stories are available for interactive tablets and can be downloaded from Google Play (Android) or the AppStore (iPad).
(More information)
•  Askî and Turtle Island
•  Askî's Family Scrapbook
•  Kon and the Circle of Life
•  Nipi and Mother Earth
•  Tate and the Flyers
Media and Formats : Book Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 20, 2023
Nipi and Mother Earth
Nipi explains how important it is to look after Mother Earth and each other.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 17, 2022
Tate and the Flyers
Tate talks about the importance of the pond and how he and other flyers meet there to hear and to share stories.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 17, 2022
Under One Sun Grade 1. Complete Classroom Set
With content created by Indigenous artists and illustrators, the Under One Sun series draws upon Indigenous culture, perspectives and experiences to explore the themes of identity, our connection to Mother Earth and relationships within families and communities. The Grade 1 complete classroom set includes a teacher's resource and 6 copies each of 6 student books at guided reading levels C-H. Additional resources to support the series are available through the Online Teaching Centre.
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. At Home and at School
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Guided Reading Classroom Set
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Guided Reading Single Copy Set
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. I Do Good Things
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Long Ago and Today
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Print Teacher's Resource
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Teacher Resource Set
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. We Help Each Other
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. What Do You Share?
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. What Does Mother Earth Share?
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $403.50
Record posted/updated: October 7, 2020
Grandmother / Grandfather Icon Book Set 1
A set of 10 colourful board books that introduce key icons of Indigenous cultures, such as traditions and sacred objects.
•  Grandmother, What is a Sharing Circle?
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (complete set)
Record posted/updated: June 30, 2021
3 Cool Facts About Teepees with Cottonball
In this short video, Cottonball visits FortWhyte Alive in Winnipeg and learns 3 interesting facts about teepees from her new friend, Sara.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 24, 2019
Grandmother / Grandfather Icon Book Set 2
A set of 10 colourful board books that introduce key icons of Indigenous cultures, such as traditions and sacred objects.
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About Wild Rice
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Eagle Feather
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Igloo
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Inukshuk
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Totem Pole
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About Our Elders
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About Regalia
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About the Four Sacred Medicines
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About the Star Blanket
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (complete set)
Record posted/updated: January 5, 2022
Grandmother / Grandfather Icon Book Set 3
A set of 10 colourful board books that introduce key icons of Indigenous cultures, such as traditions and sacred objects.
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About Sage
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About Traditional Tobacco
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Birch Bark Canoe
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Bison
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Sacred Pipe
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About Cedar
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About Sweetgrass
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (complete set)
Record posted/updated: January 5, 2022
Louis Says Series
Louis Says is a Canadian animated video series that teaches the importance of helping in the community, respecting Elders and being responsible. In each episode, Louis gives Randy, a six-year-old boy, a task to complete, such as bringing a gift to a sick boy. Because Louis speaks mostly Cree and Randy speaks mostly English, Randy learns some new Cree words but often tries to complete his task before he fully understands what he's been told. In the end, Randy learns to help others and also learns more about traditional and contemporary First Nations culture.
(More information)
•  Louis Says. Season 4, Episode 1. Garlic Bulbs Go Off/ More Feathers
•  Louis Says. Season 4, Episode 2. I Got You Covered/ Pets Rock
•  Louis Says. Season 4, Episode 3. Fun with Flags/ How to Train Your Osky
•  Louis Says. Season 4, Episode 4. Magnifying Trouble/ Squirrel Food
•  Louis Says. Season 4, Episode 5. Pizza Mania/ Mrs. Charles' Treasure
•  Louis Says. Season 4, Episode 6. Competing Ideas/ Don't Rain on Mrs. Charles Parade
•  Louis Says. Season 4, Episode 7. Gourmet Cat/ Some Kind of Lake Monster
•  Louis Says. Season 4, Episode 8. Giant Painting/ Going Around the Bushes
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 20, 2021
Good Wolf, Bad Wolf
In this illustrated story, grandfather tells his grandson of how the battle of two wolves is inside us all. The story highlights the concept of opposites: good and evil. When the grandson asks which of the wolves wins, the grandfather states that it is the one that you feed.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $29.95
Record posted/updated: January 7, 2022
Grandmother / Grandfather Tribe Book Set
A set of 10 colourful board books describing important historical aspects of life and culture of different Indigenous peoples.
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Algonquin People of Long Ago
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Inuit People of Long Ago
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Iroquois People of Long Ago
•  Grandfather, Tell Us About the Ojibwe People of Long Ago
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About the Haida People of Long Ago
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About the Mi'kmaq People of Long Ago
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About the Métis People of Long Ago
•  Grandmother, Tell Us About the Sioux People of Long Ago
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (complete set)
Record posted/updated: January 5, 2022
Thunder Boy Jr.
This illustrated book explores the concept of identity as Thunder Boy Jr. wishes for a unique name of his own, different from his father’s and based on his experiences, skills, traits, passions, and dreams. Just when Thunder Boy Jr. thinks all hope is lost of receiving a suitable name, his dad chooses the perfect name. Although the book connects to the importance of naming ceremonies or rituals, that aspect is not explained.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 15, 2022
Thanks to the Animals
Set in the past, this illustrated book tells the traditional story of a First Nations family's seasonal migration. While relocating, the youngest member is separated from the family and protected from the cold by animals until his father finds him. At the end of the book are some words in the Passamaquoddy language and a QR code to an audio recording of the story in the Passamaquoddy language. There are numerous cultural aspects addressed in this book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $17.95
Record posted/updated: June 15, 2022