Extend understanding of factoring, absolute value, and solving inequalities to include:
  • rational expressions
  • double inequalities
  • absolute value inequalities.

[C, CN, ME, R]

Indicators for this outcome

Extend and apply factoring by greatest common factor (GCF) to include negative and rational exponents.


Extend and apply factoring over the set of rational numbers to the set of real numbers.


Critique the statement, “All polynomials can be factored.”


Develop, explain, and apply strategies for factoring sum of cubes, difference of cubes, and $x_^n-y_^n$ (where n is a positive integer).


Develop, explain, and apply strategies for solving inequalities containing rational expressions.


Develop, explain, and apply strategies for solving double inequalities.


Develop, explain, and apply strategies for solving rational equations which include absolute value expressions.


Develop, explain, and apply strategies for solving absolute value inequalities containing rational expressions.
