Demonstrate understanding of options for acquiring a vehicle including:
  • purchasing without credit
  • purchasing with credit
  • leasing
  • leasing to purchase.

[C, CN, PS, R, T]

Indicators for this outcome

Research and present various options for purchasing or leasing a vehicle (oral, written, multimedia, etc.).


Justify a decision related to buying, leasing, or leasing to buy a vehicle, based on factors such as personal finances, intended use, maintenance, warranties, mileage, and insurance.


Solve, with or without technology, situational questions that involve the purchase, lease, or lease to purchase of a vehicle.

MathWorks 12
MathWorks 12 enables students to make connections between school mathematics and the workplace.
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Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 13, 2019