Extend and apply understanding of representing data using graphs including:
  • bar graphs
  • histograms
  • line graphs
  • circle graphs.

C, CN, PS, R, T, V

Indicators for this outcome

Pose questions that could be answered using histograms, construct the histogram, and draw conclusions.


Analyze and compare sets of bar graphs and histograms.


Analyze sets of data in a variety of contexts to determine and create, with or without technology, possible graphs that could be used to represent the data and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each graph.


Critique the statement, "All histograms are bar graphs and all bar graphs are histograms."


Analyze graphs including bar graphs, histograms, line graphs, and circle graphs to determine and describe trends.


Explain, using examples:

  • how the same graph can be used to justify more than one conclusion
  • how different graphic representations of the same data set can be used to emphasize a point of view
  • what happens if the graph is drawn to the wrong scale
  • why the graph selected is not reflective of the data set.

Solve, using a variety of strategies including interpolation and extrapolation, contextual problems that involve data analysis and graphs.

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Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: August 14, 2019