Demonstrate understanding of financial institution services used to access and manage personal finances, including credit options.


Indicators for this outcome

Research and present orally, with the aid of visuals (electronic or other), various types of banking services available from various financial institutions, such as online services, different types of accounts, telephone banking, mobile banking, ATM banking, or credit cards.


Analyze given or personal situations to determine the type of account that best meets the needs of the criteria for each of the situations.


Research and explain various automated teller machine (ATM) service charges.


Describe the advantages and disadvantages of:

  • online banking
  • debit card purchases
  • different types of credit options, including bank and store credit cards, personal loans, lines of credit, and overdraft.

Describe ways that try to ensure the security of personal and financial information (e.g., passwords, encryption, protection of personal identification number (PIN) and other personal identity information).


Research, compare, and report on credit card options from various companies and financial institutions.


Analyze credit options related to the use of credit, such as service charges, interest, payday loans, and sales promotions, to make informed decisions and plans and explain the reasoning.


Describe strategies to use credit effectively, such as negotiating interest rates, planning payment timelines, reducing accumulated debt, and timing purchases.


Solve situational questions that involve credit linked to sales promotions, credit cards, or loans.


Critique the statement, "It is always better to have the lowest possible limit on a credit card."

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Record posted/updated: August 14, 2019