Expand and apply understanding of the preservation of equality including solving problems that involve the manipulation and application of formulae for volume and capacity, surface area, slope and rate of change, simple interest, and finance charges.


Indicators for this outcome

Verify, using examples, and explain why different forms of the same formula are equivalent.


Verify whether given forms of the same formula are equivalent and justify the conclusion.


Describe, using examples, how a given formula is used in a trade or an occupation.


Create, solve, and verify the reasonableness of solutions to situational questions that involve the use of a formula relevant to self, family, or community.


Analyze solutions to questions that involve formulae to verify the preservation of equality, correct if necessary, and explain the reasoning.


Solve, with or without the use of technology, situational questions that involve the application of a formula that:

  • does not require manipulation
  • does require manipulation.
MathWorks 11
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Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: August 14, 2019