[C, CN, PS, R, V]
(a) |
Represent opposite integers concretely, pictorially, and symbolically and explain why they are called opposite integers. |
(b) |
Explain, using concrete materials such as integer tiles and diagrams, that the sum of opposite integers is zero (e.g., a move in one direction followed by an equivalent move in the opposite direction results in no net change in position). |
(c) |
Illustrate, using a number line, the results of adding or subtracting negative and positive integers. |
(d) |
Add two integers using concrete materials or pictorial representations and record the process symbolically. |
(e) |
Subtract two integers using concrete materials or pictorial representations and record the process symbolically. |
(f) |
Investigate patterns in adding and subtracting integers to generalize personal strategies for adding and subtracting integers. |
(g) |
Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of integers. |