- relating area to volume
- comparing perimeter and area
- comparing area and volume
- generalizing strategies and formulae
- analyzing the effect of orientation
- solving situational questions.
[CN, PS, R, V]
(a) |
Generalize formulae and strategies for determining the perimeter of polygons, including rectangles and squares. |
(b) |
Generalize a formula for determining the area of rectangles. |
(c) |
Explain, using models, the relationship between the area of the base of a right rectangular prism and the volume of the same 3-D object. |
(d) |
Generalize a rule (formula) for determining the volume of right rectangular prisms. |
(e) |
Analyze the effect of orientation on the perimeter of polygons, area of rectangles, and volume of right rectangular prisms. |
(f) |
Solve a situational question involving the perimeter of polygons, the area of rectangles, and/or the volume of right rectangular prisms. |
(g) |
Critique the following statements using concrete or pictorial models: