(a) |
Sing and play accurately and expressively, and improvise individually and in groups, with voice and instruments. |
(b) |
Experiment with the voice and instruments by creating and imitating sounds and apply these discoveries in own work. |
(c) |
Maintain melodic and harmonic parts. |
(d) |
Experiment with ways that a single musical idea can be developed or evolve in many ways and directions. |
(e) |
Explore and determine appropriate sound sources, forms, and processes for creating music expressions. |
(f) |
Investigate music from various places of the world, and analyze relationships among the instrument, the use of sound, and the place of origin (e.g., steel drums, sitar, didgeridoo, First Nations' flutes). |
(g) |
Pose questions about sound to guide inquiry into the expressive and symbolic use of sound and silence. |
(h) |
Use sounds symbolically to convey a variety of ideas and meanings. |
(i) |
Demonstrate sensitivity to the ways voices change with age and musical experiences. |
(j) |
Distinguish among diverse voice types, styles, and forms of vocal expression. |
(k) |
Demonstrate appreciation for the acquisition of instrumental/vocal technical and improvisational skills and set goals to improve own skills. |