Express ideas about the importance of place (e.g., relationships to the land, local geology, region, urban/rural environments) in drama and/or collective creation.
Indicators for this outcome

Use inquiry in drama to extend understanding about the importance of place in peoples' lives:

  • Generate questions to guide inquiry about the concept of place (e.g., What if we traveled back in time to observe the signing of the Treaties? What if urban youth were given control of city planning for one year? What is unique about being from, or living in, Saskatchewan?).
  • Prepare and use a plan to access the Internet and other sources (e.g., print, digital, community) to research and gain information and ideas that will contribute to the authenticity and significance of the drama.

Collaborate with others to manipulate tension, focus, contract, and symbol to express ideas about the importance of place in peoples' lives.


Pose questions about the work for purposes of reflection and further development of the drama (Is our drama capturing the time and place of living in the 1800s in Saskatchewan?).


Discuss conflicts that may have arisen during the work and how these conflicts were resolved.


Recall and express responses to the work using a variety of reflective strategies such as `hot seating', `marking the moment', or `walls have ears'.


Describe how dramas and collective creations relate to own lives, cultures, and society.

Roll with It, Featuring Laura Hale. Grades 7 & 8
Roll with It is a collaborative project that includes all students contributing to the final artwork. The piece organically develops and evolves in response to student creation and composition. Laura explores materials and their transformation. Students consider colour, texture, shape, form and pattern while they develop material techniques. They cut, combine, layer and roll varying sizes of tissue paper strips into paper tubes that are then cut into bead-like lengths. Students then arrange and glue the rolled paper tubes of various sizes and colours in an upright position onto a substrate or surface (plywood or framed canvas) that will eventually hang on the wall in the school. The numerous irregular sized beads in a variety of colours sprout up in different directions, creating an abstract sculptural paper collage. The final artwork brings to mind aerial landscape views, satellite imagery and/or biological and geographical patterns and microscopic cellular formations.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 4, 2022
metawe = To Play. Drama with Curtis Peeteetuce. Grades 7 & 8
We must continue speaking our Cree language. The revitalization of language and culture are vital to the rebuilding of community. In this workshop, educators and students revisit our mandate for play. Interactive elements include familiarizing ourselves with voice and body as we explore animal play of the Treaty 6 territory. These include bear (maskwa), eagle (kihew) and buffalo (paskwa-mostos). Language is also incorporated from a beginner level. As we choose to listen to the words and meanings of select Cree terms, we begin to understand how language is vital to identity. The workshop culminates in students playing animals and characters in an excerpt from Curtis Peeteetuce's youth play, kiwek, which is inspired by the film Jumanji. A talkback with students allows for post-performance discussion among the students and a chance to share what was learned.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Storyweaving with Michelle Olson and Yvette Nolan. Grades 6, 7 & 8
Students are led through a process called storyweaving - a theatrical technique used by Spiderwoman Theater to share our own stories, using gesture, voice, song, movement and repetition. Yvette Nolan and Michelle Olson, both First Nations theatre artists, use this technique to create work to share stories from their Indigenous perspective. Together, students and artists examine our personal connections to this land and to each other and weave them together to create a short theatre/movement piece that explores how we live together here in a good way.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Poetry and Oral Stories in the Classroom with ecoaborijanelle. Grades 7 & 8
Poet and performance artist ecoaborijanelle (Janelle Pewapsconias) inspires students to work on creative expression through the theme of "wellbeing" by connecting with their senses.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 4, 2022
Drama Games and Improv with Globe Theatre. Grades 7 & 8
This program provides teachers and students with tools to creatively explore curriculum through improvisation. The exercises engage participants in exploring ideas through inquiry-based learning, building positive relationships and encouraging students to take risks while navigating uncharted territories. This program is designed for those with little or no training in theatre.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
The Skills of Improvisation with Johanna Bundon & Jayden Pfeifer. Grade 7
Johanna Bundon and Jayden Pfeifer explore the skills of improvisation. Exercise your improv muscles by practicing availability, listening, accepting, supporting and creative expression in a supportive, group environment. This is a physical workshop that takes an embodied approach to learning, prioritizing the felt-experience of harnessing one's moment-to-moment impulses through body, breath and gesture.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Stories of Courage: Saskatchewan Second World War Veterans Remember
This series of eight videos presents the personal stories of 17 Saskatchewan residents who served during the World War II.
•  HMCS Regina. Episode 3
•  Soldiers Return Home. Episode 7
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 24, 2021