Collaborate on a drama that expresses ideas about identity and how it is influenced (e.g., factors such as pop culture, cultural heritage, peer groups, personal and family interests, gender).
Indicators for this outcome

Use inquiry in drama to extend understanding about identity and how it is influenced:

  • Generate questions to guide inquiry in drama (e.g., What if we were to discover that we had suddenly switched identities with other people or creatures?).
  • Use the Internet and other sources (e.g., print, digital, community) to research and gain information and ideas that will contribute to the authenticity and significance of the drama.

Contribute ideas to the topic, focus, and development of the drama.


Propose options and choose from among many possible drama strategies to help direct the course and quality of the work.


Recognize that dramas, and episodes within dramas, have focus; and help to identify and maintain that focus.


Understand how conflict and tension can impel a response or action in a drama.


Examine ways of creating contrast in a drama (e.g., movement/stillness, sound/silence, and light/darkness).


Use symbol to represent ideas about identity and to convey meaning in drama.


Demonstrate a willingness to negotiate, accept the ideas of others, and work toward consensus in dramatic work.


Confer with peers to decide how work will be documented and shared.


Describe how the drama conveys ideas about identity, and how the drama might be refined.

Understanding Brands
This program addresses what a brand is, the power of branding, what makes a brand, the creation and evolution of brands and the influence of brands. It defines and gives examples of corporate, family, individual and personal brands. Teens on a city street ask various passers by to identify brand marks and give their opinions about the influence of brands on their purchasing practices. A branding and marketing expert points out how branding is more than a product and involves a vision or idea ...
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
What’s the Difference Between Me & You? with Kris Alvarez - Grade 6
Join theatre artist Kris Alvarez on this playful creative journey. On our quest, we will explore collaboratively and independently to find true connections, true voices, while collectively creating. Get ready to move around and have a lot of fun in this class.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 24, 2021
Drama Games and Improv with Globe Theatre. Grades 5 & 6
This program provides teachers and students with tools to creatively explore curriculum through improvisation. The exercises engage participants in exploring ideas through inquiry-based learning, building positive relationships and encouraging students to take risks while navigating uncharted territories. This program is designed for those with little or no training in theatre.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
metawe = To Play. Drama with Curtis Peeteetuce. Grades 5 & 6
We must continue speaking our Cree language. The revitalization of language and culture are vital to the rebuilding of community. In this workshop, educators and students revisit our mandate for play. Interactive elements include familiarizing ourselves with voice and body as we explore animal play of the Treaty 6 territory. These include bear (maskwa), eagle (kihew) and buffalo (paskwa-mostos). Language is also incorporated from a beginner level. As we choose to listen to the words and meani...
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Ask Artists Series
Ask Artists is an inquiry-based learning program for teachers and students. Each episode is an in-depth and intimate journey with a Saskatchewan artist. Artists share candid moments and show students that artists are real people with skills, successes, failures and dreams.
•  Ask Artists Episode 2: “I Am” Puppetry (Part 1: Meet The Artist) - Crispi Lord
•  Ask Artists Episode 2: “I Am” Puppetry (Part 2: Making Puppets) - Crispi Lord
•  Ask Artists Episode 2: “I Am” Puppetry (Part 3: All About Puppet Shows) - Crispi Lord
•  Ask Artists Episode 2: “I Am” Puppetry (Part 4: Putting on a Puppet Show) - Crispi Lord
•  Ask Artists Episode 6: “Move It” Movement (Part 1: Meet The Artist) - Mitchell Larsen
•  Ask Artists Episode 6: “Move It” Movement (Part 2: Getting Comfortable with Movement) - Mitchell Larsen
•  Ask Artists Episode 6: “Move It” Movement (Part 3: Creating a Dance) - Mitchell Larsen
•  Ask Artists Episode 6: “Move It” Movement (Part 4: Dance Performance) - Mitchell Larsen
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 2, 2021
Immemorial. Drama with Curtis Peeteetuce. Grade 6
Actor/playwright/director/musician Curtis Peeteetuce believes the arts are about expression, entertainment, education and empowerment. Utilizing a foundation of Cree culture, language and history, Curtis shares a performance-based presentation that engages students through storytelling, theatre activities and accomplished works. The workshop concludes with an inspired non-verbal, movement-based, storytelling piece entitled "Immemorial." This program is designed for those with little or no tra...
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Stories of Courage: Saskatchewan Second World War Veterans Remember
This series of eight videos presents the personal stories of 17 Saskatchewan residents who served during the World War II.
•  Commemoration. Episode 8
•  Training and Preparing for War. Episode 1
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: August 24, 2021
Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health a...
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019